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Pi Delta Phi is proud to offer several undergraduate scholarships for summer study abroad that recognize superior achievement in the study of the French language. The annual awards are designed to enable undergraduate regular members of an active chapter to continue their studies of the French language and the literatures and cultures of the French-speaking world. Award recipients are expected to take courses conducted in French and for credit. Recipients may be required to take a French language placement examination on site. The sum of $500 for each scholarship is held in reserve and not awarded to a recipient until the Executive Director has received the student's study abroad report and photos; see the deadlines below. A scholarship poster is available for download and display.



Eligibility Requirements


  • Current regular member of an active Pi Delta Phi chapter who has not previously received a Pi Delta Phi scholarship; students who have not been inducted into the Society prior to the application deadline are not eligible; honorary members are ineligible.

  • Currently enrolled full-time in an undergraduate field of study.

  • U.S. Citizen or permanent resident.

  • Preference is given to applicants who have not previously studied or resided in a Francophone country.

  • Preference is also based on financial need and lack of opportunity.

  • Award recipient must take courses conducted in French and for credit; coursework taken must be applied to an undergraduate concentration, minor or major in French at the applicant's home undergraduate institution. Credits earned may not be transferred to a different or new institution. Recipients may not audit courses abroad.


Required Application Materials


  • Download an Undergraduate Scholarship Application for complete details. Send the completed Application including all required materials to: the current Pi Delta Phi Executive Director. Since PDP online forms and documents are updated annually, make sure to download the most current version of all documents.


Annual Deadlines and Important Dates


  • Nov. 1—application deadline including all of the required materials (postmarked no later than Nov. 1); Faxed, scanned or digital applications are not accepted. The November 1 deadline is firm; no exceptions.

  • Feb. 16—scholarship winners will be informed.

  • Sept. 1—scholarships winners are required to submit a report about their study abroad experience to include a thank you letter--both as a word document--and at least five photographs of their experience (digital copies) to the Executive Director.



Dr. Joseph W. Yedlicka

The Joseph W. Yedlicka Awards


The awards are given in memory of Dr. Joseph W. Yedlicka, former President and Executive-Director of Pi Delta Phi. Dr. Yedlicka was a tireless promoter of Pi Delta Phi and advocate for the study of French language and literature. The two awards are:


  • Full tuition summer session scholarship--seven weeks including shared housing and half-board--awarded by: The American University of Paris and Pi Delta Phi. Recipients who opt for single housing will not receive the stipend for half-board, and must cover their own board during their stay abroad.

  • Full tuition summer-session scholarship--six weeks including housing and board--to Aix-en-Provence awarded by the Institute for American Universities College

  • The above awards are accompanied by a Pi Delta Phi Travel Grant of up to $1,000 to help cover transportation costs for one round-trip ticket from the U.S. to the host site only; the travel stipend does not cover additional or post summer session travel.

Dr. Mary E. Gutermuth

The Mary E. Gutermuth Award


The award is given in honor of Dr. Mary E. Gutermuth, former Executive-Director of Pi Delta Phi. Dr. Gutermuth was a strong supporter of Pi Delta Phi.


  • Full tuition summer-session scholarship--five weeks including housing, board and activities fee--to the University of Québec at Chicoutimi awarded by Pi Delta Phi.

  • The award is accompanied by a Pi Delta Phi Travel Grant of up to $500 to help cover transportation costs for one round-trip ticket from the U.S. to the host site only; the travel stipend does not cover additional or post summer session travel.


© 2025 by Pi Delta Phi, the National French Honor Society

Pi Delta Phi and ΠΔΦ are trademarks registered with the United States Patent and Trademark Office.

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