Executive Director Emerita, 2004-2011
Dr. Pamela Park, Ph.D., Lambda Omega
Dr. Park worked teaching French at Idaho State University from 1985 until her retirement in 2015. Dr. Park received her B.A. from Fordham University, a License from the University of Nancy, France, and her Ph.D. from the City University of New York. She has taught all levels of French language, many fields in the corpus of French literature, and courses on culture, history, and current events. Dr. Park especially enjoyed the latter courses, as preparing for and teaching them gave her a broader understanding of the French and of those outside of France who speak French, and an increasing grasp of the ins- and- outs of French politics. She trained with ACTFL to attain certification as an interviewer for Oral Proficiency Interviews (OPIs). This demanding process was fruitful. Dr. Park added new skills to the teaching repertoire and began participating in the OPI process. Serving first the West Vice President, then Executive Director of Pi Delta Phi, a highlight of her professional service, enabled her to promote French and Francophone studies in an effective manner and to become familiar with the scope and current state of French studies in the USA.